Ponsonby Montessori Kindergarten
We have received a licence to operate a new service for 40 children 2 and over at 136 Richmond Road, Grey Lynn. This is additional to our current service at 244 Richmond Road. Contact us for details.
Ponsonby Montessori Kindergarten has served Grey Lynn, Ponsonby and the surrounding Auckland community for over twenty years in a warm, friendly and welcoming atmosphere. We are a small nurturing centre licensed for 30 children over two years old. We deliver a holistic high quality Montessori programme in a friendly and engaging environment. A high teacher to child ratio caters to the individual needs of every child. Trained and dedicated staff provide quality language models and develop reciprocal relationships. Extra curricula activities by experienced visiting tutors, a working garden and a modern playground contribute to your child receiving a quality education at PMK.
In July 2019 the Education Review Office (ERO) again found we were “very well placed to promote positive learning outcomes for children” and they will not need to review the service for another four years. Referring to the ERO website you will see this means they found that PMK is “consistently effective in promoting positive learning outcomes for children” and provides “high quality performance in relation to ERO’s evaluation indicators”. Check out the details in our latest ERO report here. To book a no obligation tour of our centre with our manager or assistant manager you may click on this link.
In March 2016 ERO published “Early mathematics: a guide for improving teaching and learning“. Based on our ERO review we were invited to contribute stories for this guide which highlighted effective practices in the teaching of mathematics. We are proud that our centre features on the cover and in pages 19 and 20 of the guide.
The Montessori philosophy
The Montessori philosophy offers a holistic environment where we use specialist equipment and practices to develop a child’s concentration and focus along with their literacy and numeracy skills while also assisting in developing self-management. Regular lessons in Music, Spanish, Cooking, te reo Maori and Yoga enhance our curriculum. We also offer Ready Steady Go Kids and Circability to aid in the development of perceptual motor skills. These are the important foundations for young children as they begin their journey of learning for life.
The Montessori method and practices of education were developed and based on diligent and scientific observation of children’s holistic learning and development, therefore all children regardless of their social and cultural backgrounds will benefit from its well prepared specialised environment and equipment.
PMK has been the most amazing kindergarten, we have thoroughly enjoyed attending over the last two years. The staff become like family and are so invested in each child and their learning and making each child feel special. They are excellent at preparing everyone for school and we realized that, once he started in year one that his number and alphabet knowledge and hand writing abilities were up to speed. The facilities are amazing and they are constantly updating and evolving their curriculum, activities, games and toys. We will miss all the children, families and staff – thank you once again for everything!
Thanks so much for creating such a lovely centre you’ve done a wonderful job. I feel so confident leaving my daughter with the Ponsonby Montessori team – she always tells me about her day with such a happy expression on her face
PMK is an enriching environment for pre-school children. It cares for and educates children in a holistic way. I felt that my child was treated as an individual and understood within the Kindergarten culture in a manner that was caring, educative and culturally attuned. At the same time he was encouraged to listen, attend to others, and be cooperative. The emphasis on knowing who you are and where you come from in the world has secured his place in the world. PMK developed his awareness of community and capacity for collaboration. It was so exciting to see him flourish and grow into the school-ready child he is today
Just a quick note to let you know that A is loving school and to give a huge thanks for your input into her learning and care over the past few years (we can definitely see it in how she has approached school). She was very confident on the first day and seems to be reveling in the school environment. She was especially pleased to be picked last week as the ‘leader’ for her class for the week where she got to be at the head of the line when walking to assembly etc. You can just imagine how proud she was. She’s also been put up a reading level already as she knew all her alphabet and phonics (thank you ;o))
Our Leadership Team

Owner/Director/Relief Teacher
Assistant Manager PMK I
Assistant Manager PMK IIAre you are interested in enrolling your child?